jobsearchsummerAs the official first day of summer approaches, you may be tempted to take time off from your job search efforts assuming that companies won’t be hiring over the summer months. However, the opposite is true. Our clients tend to hire as much, if not more, in the summer than any other time of year.

Consider this:

  • Keeping your search efforts consistent during the summer months gives you a competitive advantage over those who do not. You may face less competition for opportunities while others take a break.
  • If you are seriously contemplating the next step in your career, don’t let summer and other holiday seasons allow you to lose traction. Job searches are most effective when you keep your momentum going–staying “in the groove”, so to speak.
  • Networking opportunities through social gatherings are prevalent during spring and summer. Always have your elevator pitch ready!

In the event that you are traveling, follow these tips to avoid missing out on key opportunities:

  • Maintain your current résumé where you can access it at anytime, such as on a Google Drive.
  • Stay up to date with using technologies such as Skype or Google Hangouts in case a potential employer wants to schedule an interview while you are away. You may want to bring an “interview outfit” on your trip, just in case. Practice interviewing before your trip.
  • Consider setting up a mobile hotspot so that you can always be available online.
  • Schedule time each day to check in on LinkedIn and other professional networking sites, or for potential calls. Don’t “go dark” during your vacation.

Remember, often when companies are ready to hire, they do so quickly! Waiting to respond or send a résumé until after your vacation can result in losing out on your next big career move.


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